Saturday, 2 June 2007

almost 3 months!!!!

yep, shocking!! Its almost 3 months since i updated this blog! I havent a clue where to start or what to say that wont have you running for the hills but sadly we have had a bad couple of months here....lets leave it at that eh and move on to something happy :)

Im coming back with a vengence and intend to scrap my little heart out tomorrow! Will update with some pictures from the weekend too - we have been to the beach, house hunting -yep we need out of here already - part of the crappy last couple of months...ahem moving on... (in more than one sense... haha) and we have all generally been taking advantage of DH having a long weekend off work :D

Heres one ive photoshop'd already to make it a bit lighter - the fret from the sea was making things fuzzy!

I still cant believe im mum to an 11 year old!! Yep, Ben turned another year older in May!

Anyways, I promise to update hopefully once a day if not every other day - lets just see if anyone has missed me or if i am indeed (as DH says) talking to myself! LOL Im going to offer a goodie bag to whoevers comment (even just a hello will do :) ) gets pulled out of the hat on....say.....Tuesday.....that gives me 3 days to hope i have at least one visitor to prove DH wrong! LOL


Cara said...

Nice to see you back - hope the crap stuff goes away soon!

Anso said...

Nice to see you back blogging again Debbie!! :)

Lots of {{{hugs}}} to you.

Take care :)


lydia said...


I've been wondering where you were. Just sending you lots of positive vibes. Take care


Andrea said...

Really pleased that you are back in blogdom again :)

Our Little Yarden said...

Glad you are back hunny bun xx

ALI said...

ya boo shucks Mr Deb!

lemon said...

hugs girlie. glad to see that your back...might have to go and update mine now lol

Frenchiejo said...

Nice to see you blogging along again love!

greyparrot said...

welcome back doll- no friends indeed- *PAH*

jo said...

Good to see you back again hun!!!

Jo xxxxx

Imperfectionist said...

welcome back hun!! queenofstash x

Yizz said...

Glad you are blogging again, and great photos (thanks for sharing). I hope the crap goes away soon and that scrapping takes your mind to better place for a while. {{hugs}}

Anonymous said...

I am a shameless goodie bag tart! (but your dh is wrong - you do have friends and we all wub you!)

Sue Jones said...

Have missed you !! I check every week:)
Gorg looking son there Deb.
Think we might prove MR Deb wrong ;)

joanna said...

Hello my lovely, you're as bad as me :D - have checked back regularly, Debs, and it's fab to see you blogging again. Love and {{{{hugs}}}} xxx

Storm's House said...

Hi hunny,
glad to see you're back again
huge(((hugs))) and keep your chin up sweetie
Val xxx

Jaffers said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaay, she's BACK!!!!!
Missed keep blogging!

Beth said...

welcome back
(reminds me i must update my blog)
fab photo

Take care xx

Suzanne said...

Hi Debbie :) Just commenting for a goodie bag!! LOL Not really :) Glad you're looking forwards and back blogging xx

Mel said...

Yay, good to see you updating again Debs, keep it up! :)

Mel xx

Fiona said...

woohoo! Great to see you back in blogland :D

Jan said...

You're a better blogger than I am. How anyone who talks as much as i do can leave a blog for so long. . .?? Welcome back! Missed you

Unknown said...

Who could resist a comment LOL! Nice to 'see' you back in blogland. Hope things improve really soon and your photos look fab!

Suzanne said...

woo hoo Debs nice to see you back in the land of blogging, scrapping and enjoying life in general.


izzywizzy said...

Huh! doncha know that men know nowt?
glad to see you back Debbie

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Great to see you again. {happy hugs}

Karen said...

You a billy no mates? Never!! :D Great to see you blogging again.

Jane Dean said...

Great to see you back Debbie

GlitteryKatie said...

yay Debbie and yah boo sucks to your DH!!! LOL

Roz said...

Yahoo, brilliant to see you back Debs, have missed all your news and gossip.

Caz said...

welcome back Debs! So good to see you blogging again, now don't go vanish again ;)

Trish said...

Debbie, its lovely to see you back sweetie, fingers crossed on the house hunting babe xxx

Charlotte said...

Thank god for that, was getting bored of that canvas staring back at me every day I clicked ;P !!
Glad you sound so happy Debs xxx